Taiwan (China)

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Taiwan (China) - 公司簡介

Hapag-Lloyd自1970年透過美德船務代理〈Maritime Transportation Agencies Ltd.〉正式進入台灣船運市場,其中經過多次的公司組織變革與重新建置,在2006年正名為現在的台灣赫伯羅德股份有限公司〈Hapag-Lloyd Taiwan Ltd.〉但不論是最初的船務代理,或是今日的台灣子公司,我們始終秉持著一貫的服務信念,以最嚴謹,最系統化的管理,規劃出最完善的全球船隊網絡,以提供給台灣在地客戶更全方位的進出口貨櫃運輸服務系統。為期能夠使服務更為快速、更加適時,我們分別在台北及高雄設立服務據點,隨時提供從運價報價、訂艙及文件處理,到查訊目的港相關資訊之全套服務。各業務人員、進出口客服人員,以及運務部門皆線上待命,以因應每一位客戶不同層面的服務需求,務求達到最有效率的服務品質。Hapag-Lloyd更持續地致力於發展電子商務平台,藉以提供客戶在線上訂倉、文件作業系統,貨物追蹤或更多其他需求時,可以有更有效率、更便捷的全方位線上服務。除此之外,客戶在Hapag-Lloyd的公共網頁,不但可以取得台灣當地的各項資訊,亦可同時查詢其他世界各地區域性之最新相關訊息。自2014年4月30日起,業已將台灣網頁版面調整成為繁體中文,讓台灣客戶可以更輕鬆的做各項線上查詢。感謝您一直以來對Hapag-Lloyd的支持,未來我們也將繼續努力提供優質的服務,來符合您在貨物運輸上的各項需求。假使您從未使用過我們的各項業務,歡迎您與就近的Hapag-Lloyd聯繫,進而了解我們可以為您的企業提供如何不一樣的服務。
Hapag-Lloyd has been operating in the Taiwan (China) market since 1970 through Maritime Transportation Agencies LTD. Over the years HL have restructured its operations in Taiwan (China) and formally changed the a subsidiary name to “Hapag-Lloyd Taiwan Ltd.” in Taiwan (China) in 2006.Regardless of operating by appointed agents or as a subsidiary today, we are dedicated in our service standards to our customer. In addition, we continue to maintain servicing customers with advanced IT solutions & technology, together with an extensive product network to provide a comprehensive portfolio of import and export services. For customers convenience and ease of access to HL, we have offices in Taipei and Kaohsiung that attend to relevant sales, customer service and operation enquiries providing rate quotations, bookings and documentations as well as information about destinations.
Hapag-Lloyd continuously aims at enhancing our services to customers through upgrading and improving our IT solutions, thereby allowing customers more efficient access to various services such as Online Booking, cargo tracing and more. In addition, customers can gain access to local Taiwan specific  information on the Hapag-Lloyd website as well as our global shipping information. Since April 30, 2014 we have improved our Taiwan (China) local webpage by customizing it to traditional Chinese for the convenience of local customers. We thank you for your ongoing support and we will continue striving for excellence in service to meet your shipping and logistics needs also in future. If you have not used us before, please call your nearest Hapag-Lloyd office to find out what difference Hapag-Lloyd can make to your business.

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