A container ship with many containers sails towards waters in the Middle East

Our Middle East Trade


Your benefits at a glance

Seus benefícios:


  • A rede de serviços e a interconectividade da Hapag-Lloyd atendem às economias robustas e em rápido crescimento na região
  • Operações de transbordo eficientes e sem interrupções nos centros de transbordo
  • Especialização local com uma rede de escritórios em todo o Oriente Médio e Subcontinente Indiano


  • Serviços semanais confiáveis que conectam os portos do Subcontinente Indiano, Golfo Pérsico e Mar Vermelho com tempos de trânsito competitivos, oferecendo ampla cobertura de portos na região
  • Maior cobertura de mercado e alcance com mais de 10 serviços principais ligando 16 portos no Oriente Médio e no Subcontinente Indiano
  • Redes de feeder abrangentes implementadas e operando no Oriente Médio e no Subcontinente Indiano
  • Múltiplas viagens por semana nas principais rotas comerciais
  • Hapag-Lloyd compete em tempo de trânsito, confiabilidade de cronograma, atendimento ao cliente e equipamento
Julia Kühnbaum, Senior Director Trade Management Middle East
Julia Kühnbaum, Senior Director Trade Management Middle East

"Hapag-Lloyd offers five dedicated Middle East services between the Middle East and Indian Subcontinent with Europe. The network has been designed to meet the market needs for fast and reliable services with a holistic geographical coverage."

Middle East products

Our Middle East services

  • Seamless and efficient operations in transhipment hubs
  • Reliable weekly services with competitive transit times, offering extensive coverage of ports in the region
  • Comprehensive feeder networks in place and operating within the Middle East and within the Indian Subcontinent
  • Quick connection to/from serviceable North European outports (Scandinavia, Baltic Region & Ireland)


  • Hapag-Lloyd service network and interconnectivity caters to the robust and rapidly growing economies in the region
  • Local expertise with a network of offices throughout the Middle East and Indian Subcontinent


  • Reliable weekly services connecting Indian Subcontinent, Persian Gulf and Red Sea ports
  • Comprehensive feeder networks in place and operating within the Middle East and within the Indian Subcontinent
  • Hapag-Lloyd competes on transit time, schedule reliability, customer service and equipment
  • Seamless and efficient operations in transhipment hubs
  • Offering dependable weekly services and competitive transit times, with extensive coverage of ports in the region
  • We have established a comprehensive feeder networks that cover the Middle East and the Indian Subcontinent


Entre em contato com seu especialista de vendas do Oriente Médio mais próximo

Service and Information

Vessels, Routes and Locations

  • Navios 287
  • Rotas 114
  • Locais 400
  • Participação nos Terminais 20
Informações locais disponíveis
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