FAQ - Hapag-Lloyd LIVE

Operational Processes

A Unit is moving from empty container depot to customer, where it is stuffed with the cargo. From the customer the stuffed
unit is moved to a container terminal. After the unit is gated into the terminal, it will be loaded on board an ocean going or feeder vessel. When the vessel is reaching its Port of Destination (POD) the unit is discharged from the vessel into the container yard. Following this the unit will gate out the terminal moving to the customer where the cargo reaches its final destination. From there the reefer is moved to the next empty depot.  

The container is loaded onto a vessel. This can either be the main leg or a feeder vessel. This includes a power-off.

The container is discharged either from an ocean going vessel or a feeder vessel. This includes a power-off.

The container passed the container terminal gate. The unit is moved from truck/railway into the container yard. This includes a power-off.  

The container moves out of the container terminal. This includes a power-off.

As the container is often moved through warm/cold ambient temperature, the temperature inside the container can deviate. During power-offs the unit cannot cool/heat, therefore the temperature will fluctuate in a shorter period. This is perfectly normal.

Another reason could be incorrect stowage of the cargo inside the container. A blocked airflow can lead to temperature
deviations. Certain cargo (climacteric fruits and vegetables) are known to respire – a process which generates heat. Depending on the respiration rate, this will have an impact on the return air temperature.

During defrost cycles, the evaporator motors are turned off. During this period, the coil is freed from ice with heat. This heat will not enter the container as the evaporator motors are not running, however as the return air sensor is located just above the evaporator, the return air sensor will measure relative high temperatures for shorter periods of time. This is perfectly normal.

If the container has an unfortunate malfunction, this will also lead to temperature deviations.  

Internal gate moves can occur when containers are being checked by customs or if the terminal needs to move the container from one stack to another. Furthermore, to prepare ship operations (Loaded), containers will be moved to the ships side.
Internal gate moves always result in a power-off and are perfectly normal.  

A lack of data could be an indication of a power-off. This can be easily identified in most of the cases by looking at the gaps on the temperature graph lines. Power-off events happen for various reasons - change of transport mode, internal gate moves, gate events, or an emergency shut down of the reefer machinery due to malfunctioning of the unit. However, the unit can also be out of the cellular Network, this normally happens during the main leg. Once the container reconnects to network signal at first POD, the data during the ocean transit will be retroactively uploaded to the Hapag-Lloyd LIVE Application.

The unit is not inside the Mobile Phone Network. The connection to the cellular Network is normally established a few miles before the coast.  


Technical reefer data & functions

Supply air temperature is the temperature at which the air is lead into the container. If the set point is warmer than -10, the supply air is controlled by the set point, typically within 0.25 degrees.  

Return air temperature is the temperature at which the air, after circulating the cargo, returns to the reefer machine. If the set point is below -10, the return air is controlled by the set point.

The return air absorbs heat of the cargo and warm/cold ambient temperatures penetrating the insulation material. In addition, the reefer container could be doing a defrost. See question “What is a defrost and why is my temperature going up” for more information.

Depending on ambient temperatures, respiring cargo and more, the actual temperature can deviate from set point. See question “What is supply air temperature” and “What is return air temperature” for more information.

A narrow gap between supply and return air readings is usually an indication that your cargo is at set point. There are however a few reasons why cargo inside the container can be colder/warmer than set point. These include, for the most part, respiring cargo, hot-stuffing, warm/cold ambient temperatures and blocked airflow.  

Set point temperatures at 5 degrees and below will lead to icing of the evaporator coil as the circulating air will deposit moisture on the cold evaporator (condensation). As the ice builds up, the airflow over the evaporator coil decreases. The reefer is equipped with sensors to measure when to start a defrost. Alternatively, fixed defrost periods can be defined in the controller.

During defrost cycles, the evaporator motors are turned off. During this period, the coil is freed from ice with heat. This heat
will not enter the container as the evaporator motors are not running, however as the return air sensor is located just above the evaporator, this sensor will measure relative high temperatures for shorter periods of time. This is perfectly normal.

If a unit malfunctions one of its components is not working as expected. This can lead to a shut-down of the reefer and subsequent lack of temperature control. In high/low ambient temperature and with possible cargo respiration, the temperature inside the container will differ from set point.   

If the cargo is not loaded at set point temperature, it is normal to see temperature out of range during the first hours. In addition, if the reefer is not on power – e.g. trucked from warehouse to port without gen-set, the temperature can move out of range.  

With Hapag-Lloyd LIVE Plus we offer visibility on the temperature recorded by the USDA probes for Cold Treatment.



The vessel which the reefer is loaded on is delayed. The container did not make it to the terminal prior gate closing time. The reefer had to be discharged to be repaired.  



 Hapag-Lloyd LIVE Plus: CO2 & O2 Set Point and Actual Value data are available only for ExtraFresh or ExtraFresh Plus  

The reefer will be communicating in near-real time. When connected to power and in range of a cellular network signal, the reefer will send updates hourly to the Hapag-Lloyd LIVE Application.  

Similar to a mobile phone, the modem needs to be in range of a cellular network antenna to upload the data. When onboard a vessel, if below deck or aprox. 30 KM off shore, a network signal is not available, and there will be no live update from the modem. Once the vessel gets close to land, if mobile network signal can be restored, the modem will upload all data, including its history.

An excel download is available within the Hapag-Lloyd Application for every container, where you have purchased Hapag-Lloyd LIVE.

Yes. You can select the shipment you want to see in the ‘My Hapag-Lloyd LIVE Shipments’ list at the top of the Application.

Notifications are not included in the Product yet. Based on customer’s feedback, additional features of Hapag-Lloyd LIVE will be gradually released.

As per default, all the contracting parties with valid credentials for the Online Business Suite have access to Hapag-Lloyd LIVE data.  

You can send the excel download that is available within the Hapag-Lloyd Application for every container, where you have purchased Hapag-Lloyd LIVE.

The limits result from a dynamic evaluation of the total minimum and maximum values. The selection of the data range adapts itself according to the occurring values. Therefore, the range results from the given values.



In case you don’t find the answer to your problem within the Q&A’s above. Please go to 'About this app' at the top of the screen and click on 'Contact Us' or send an e-mail to: [email protected].

We will reply to your message as soon as we can. Please note that our team in Europe is available on working
days from Monday to Friday between 9am – 5pm.​

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