USA Security Information

The CTPAT ( U.S. Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism) initiative was introduced following the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001.

It is a voluntary agreement between U.S. Customs and the industry, which Hapag-Lloyd joined in November 2002.

CTPAT represents increased security along the whole transport chain.

Status Verification Interface (SVI)

SVI number of Hapag-Lloyd AG (formerly Hapag-Lloyd Container Linie) is: hapSea01713.

If you are a CTPAT partner, you can verify Hapag-Lloyd’s CTPAT status by visiting the CTPAT Portal. Details can be found here

We hope having assisted you with this information. In case of further questions, please contact your nearest Hapag-Lloyd office.

The Bioterrorism Act of 2002 (BTA) was passed in the United States with the intent to increase security after the events of Sept 11, 2001.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) published two regulations to protect the nations food supply:

  • A requirement to register all food facilities (domestic and international) with the FDA that handle (manufacture, process, pack or hold) regulated FDA food ( food for human or animal consumption)
  • A requirement to file Prior Notice (PN) to FDA of any food shipment imported into the United States.

Hapag-Lloyd would like to remind you of these requirements and would be pleased to assist directing you to the appropriate elements as needed. The FDA will issue HOLD ALERTS to carriers for related cargoes which do not have a PN filed. The web links below should assist you to locate the appropriate references and filings in advance of your shipments.

General Description

  • Bioterrorism Act: 2002 - General Information from FDA, including how to file facilities and notices
  • Facility Registration: Oct 2003 - Provides guidance on registering food facilities
  • Prior Notice - Final: Oct 2003 - Provides guidance how to submit prior notice for food shipments into the U.S. with link to the  Nov 7, 2008 Final Rule
  • Compliance Policy Guide Nov 2004: Nov 2004 – Compliance Guide – updates from 2003 to Nov 2004
  • Compliance Policy Guide Oct 2008: Oct 2008 – relates to the Prior Notice Final Rule, which will go into effect on May 6, 2009.  Prior that time, this is a DRAFT document, as the Prior Notice Interim Final Rule would still be in effect.

The so called 24 Hour-Rule was implemented by U.S. Government in the wake of 9/11 attacks.

Since the rule came into effect in December 2002 Ocean Carriers/NVOCC’s (Non Vessel Operating Common Carrier, if registered for it) have had to transmit cargo manifest data electronically.

If not transmitted at least 24 hours prior to loading at the port of loading into U.S.Customs’ system “AMS”, high fines will be imposed by CBP (U.S. Customs and Border Protection).

Thus Hapag-Lloyd has implemented a “No Doc-No Load” policy.

Following containers have to be transmitted:

  • containers discharged in an U.S. port and
  • so called “FROB-containers” (Foreign cargo Remaining On Board) which stay on board of the vessel, while serving an U.S. port.

Manifest transmission has to be carried out as follows:

  • Master Bills of Lading transmitted by Ocean Carriers
  • House Bills of Lading transmitted by NVOCC’s (Non Vessel Operating Common Carrier) as long as registered for it. Otherwise transmission of House Bills of Lading has to be done by the Ocean Carrier additionally.

Hapag-Lloyd has implemented the necessary system adjustments in order to arrange manifest transmission smoothly. However it is of utmost importance to receive from you the required shipping instructions by our documentation closing; which you can see on your booking confirmation and in our online schedule.

We would like to emphasize that wrong or missing data will be fined by U.S Customs authorities (U.S. Customs and Border Protection).

As guidance for the required details please refer to the document below.

Applicable surcharges (‘SMD’ or ‘SMC’) have been published in our Online Tariff.

We hope having assisted you with this information. In case of further questions, please contact your nearest Hapag-Lloyd office.

On January 26, 2009, the rule titled Importer Security Filing and Additional Carrier requirements (commonly known as "10+2") went into effect.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection believes the information enhances their Automated Targeting System (ATS) for cargo screening in addition to the existing US “24 Hour Rule” information.  

We wish to alert you to these regulations have an impact on your cargo shipments to the US, and encourage you to become involved, allowing your cargo to move as quickly and efficiently as possible. We summarize some of the high level items and provide web links for more detailed understanding.

Importer Security Filing / ISF-10

The Importers or their agency designates are responsible for the 10 additional data elements (Importer Security Filing / ISF-10): 8 of them are required to be submitted at least 24 hours prior to vessel loading which includes:

  • Seller
  • Buyer
  • Importer of record number / foreign trade zone applicant identification number
  • Consignee number(s)
  • Manufacturer (or supplier)
  • Ship to party
  • Country of origin
  • Commodity Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS-US) number

The remaining 2 elements for the ISF will also need to include following two data elements that must be submitted as early as possible, but no later than 24 hours prior to the vessel’s arrival at US port:

  • Container stuffing location
  • Consolidator

The full regulation outlines more detailed definitions and certain flexibilities that may be allowed.

Importer Security Filing / ISF- 5

The party with the lowest level of housebill details is expected to file ISF-5 data.

It's applicable for FROB (Foreign Cargo Remaining on Board), IE (Immediate Exportation), T&E (Transportation and Exportation) or FTZ (Foreign Trade Zone) cargo:

  • Booking party name and address
  • Foreign port of unlading at the intended final destination
  • Place of delivery (city code for the place of delivery)
  • Ship to name and address (name and address of the first deliver-to
    party scheduled to receive the goods after release from customs custody)
  • Commodity 6 digit HTSUS number(s).

The Carriers

will need to submit 2 additional data sets

  • Vessel Stowage Plans (or BAPLIE), and
  • Container Status Messsages (location movements).

Additional information can be found on and questions may be sent to Security Filing [email protected].


For all DG shipments affected by the US 24h security initiative (AMS), structured shipping instructions  with separated DG and non DG cargo description and weights are required.
Please find further information and examples in our customer letter:

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