• Quotation
  • Quick Quotes Remarks – Country-Specific Information

Quick Quotes Remarks

Country-Specific Information

Please select the note that is required for you from jumpmark list below:

Remarks for Algeria

For shipments to Algeria no collect charges are accepted.

Remarks for Angola

Freight collect is not allowed in Angola. Only the destination local charges must be collected in Angola. As per Angolan law, the below charges need to be collected at Angola XFD, XAO, XNG, XHR.
TAX ID is mandatory for consignee party. For in-transit shipments where a consignee is located in a country outside Angola, TAX ID is not required. 

Remarks for Argentina

Temporarily, all import shipments to Argentina are to be PREPAID and export shipments are to be COLLECT without any exception. Demurrage and detention charges will only be accepted for import and export and local surcharges subject to VAT.

Remarks for Australia

Please be informed that grains/waste/scrap are commodities excluded from our Quick Quote Freight All Kind definition for exports from Australia. Please approach our local Sales representatives for a quotation via email for these commodities.

Remarks for Bangladesh

THD/EMF/SEC/OAD/DLF/ADD/RHD (Imports into BDCGP) : should be paid together with SEA. if SEA is Prepaid, they should be paid at origin or elsewhere prepaid payer.
THO/SMD/SEC (Exports from BDCGP) : should be paid together with SEA. If SEA is collect, they should be paid at destination or elsewhere collect payer.
Import Doc Fee (DDF) : Always payable at POD.
Export Doc Fee (MTD) : Always payable at POL.

Port of Chittagong
The Port of Chittagong accept 20 and 40 container for handling with a maximum gross weight of 24,000 kgs 20 and 30,480 kgs 40 (gross weight = gross cargo weight + container tare weight).

Remarks for Benin

Freight collect is not accepted. Freight and origin local charges to be on prepaid.

Remarks for Brazil

Import and Export - All due charges for payment method in Brazil is Via Portal PayHapag https://payhapag.com.br/ .
Brazil payment via Portal is mandatory . For questions please write to: [email protected]

Remarks for Brunei

For all import shipments to Brunei, only THD (Terminal handling charge destination) and DDF (Destination Documentation Fee) can be collect, all other freight items must be prepaid.

Remarks for Burkina Faso

Freight collect is not accepted. All charges including DLF and destination charges must be on prepaid with the sea freight 

Remarks for Cameroon

Freight collect is not accepted. Freight and origin local charges to be on prepaid.

Remarks for Canada

Shipments that start and end in Canada are rated based on the date the last container gates in full on the shipment.

The correct rate reference must be provided at the time of initial booking request. Subsequent changes to the rate reference will cause the shipment to be re-processed for space availability under the amended quote. Requests to amend any rates after container has been returned will be refused.

Please note that the Transport Additional at Destination (TAD), the War Risk Surcharge (WRS) and the Congestion Surcharge Destination (CGD) are to be paid with the ocean freight.

Shipments containing personal effects, vehicles or used clothing cannot be handled on cross-border routings or to/from a private residence. For personal effects, at time of booking a destination agent needs to be provided and be shown as the notify party on the shipping instructions, and all charges must be prepaid.

Shipment of used cars to the Middle East and Indian Subcontinent are not accepted.

Shipments of concentrated metal products (including but not limited to steel coils) must be pre-approved prior booking. Please contact your local sales team.

Please remember that there are several commodities which are either banned or restricted by North American Railroads, including but not limited to: used machinery, scrap metal, vehicles, concentrated/heavy metal products, flexitanks, tobacco, hides, personal effects and medical equipment.

For cargo that starts/ends in Canada but loading/discharging in New York or Philadelphia, there is a transfer between rail ramp and the port involving public roads and the weight limits of 39,200 LBS per 20ft and 43,700 LBS per 40ft apply.

For allowable cargo weights and overweight charges for inland haulage within Canada, please follow link below:

Any additional inland cost incurred due to overweight cargo, will be for the account of the shipper. See links below for respective overweight fees:

These weight requirements apply to all shipments, including containers received or delivered from on-dock facilities. The carrier will not handle inland carriage on any container improperly loaded or any container loaded in excess of its marked capacity. The shipper will ensure that the lading and axle weight meet provincial, federal, state, and municipal highway safety and weight limitations. Tare weights may vary which will affect the maximum weight.

For POL Halifax all flat racks in gauge or OOG requires an IMO-compliant cargo securing certificate prior to the first gate in.

Remarks for China

Please be informed that certain commodities are restricted or require special License for Import/Export Transshipment via Hong Kong by Hong Kong Trade and Industry Department.

Also Commodities named 'Machinery/Tools/Equipment etc.' might fall under Strategic Commodity of Hong Kong Trade and Industry Department and transshipment can be delayed due to License application.

For full details please refer to:


Please note that this license requirement is also applicable for such machinery which are to be discharged at Shenzhen West Terminals / Ports (i.e. Shekou, Chiwan, Da Chan Bay).

China – New Restriction on Acceptance of Waste Cargo
In accordance to the recently announced legislation by the Government of People’s Republic of China on “the Prevention and Control of Solid Waste Pollution” into China, we would like to inform you that we will stop accepting solid waste cargo into China. This will be effective September 1, 2020 (cargo arrival date).

This legislation is applicable to all solid waste cargo such as wastepaper, waste plastics, waste metals, waste chemicals etc.
To avoid any unnecessary disruption to you, we appreciate your assistance and cooperation as any violation will result in a Customs ordered return of shipment and possible fine may be imposed.

All shipments out of China are subject to the Shanghai Shipping Exchange filing regulations. This implies amongst others, that the Non-Hapag-Lloyd contracting entity in the Rate Agreement or the Shipper on the eventual B/L covering the business quoted for in this quotation must be either a BCO or a NVOCC registered at the Shanghai Shipping Exchange and have a MOC code.

Remarks for Colombia

“In Colombia, there is not OTM or DTA service between port facilities or any free zone or depot enabled.”

Remarks for Congo

Freight collect is not allowed. IFD (Inspection Fees at Destination) to be PREPAID at Origin Office as part of the Freight charges. Freight and origin local charges to be on prepaid.

Remarks for Congo D.R.

Freight collect is not accepted. Freight and origin local charges to be on prepaid.

Remarks for Cuba

Payment Terms: As per January 2022 all shipments to Cuba are to be PREPAID without any exception.

All freight charges and any other charges must not be invoiced and paid by our customers in USD. Preferably, the related invoices and payments should be in EUR.

Any local charges should be handled by the agent in Cuba on an independent basis but not in USD.

Remarks for Djibouti

Import surcharge at destination RHD must follow the seafreight payment terms
RHD charge to follow the freight

Remarks for Ecuador

Free plug-in for reefers 48 hours prior to vessel departure.

Be aware it’s an essential requirement to perform New Customer Validation process to all new shippers / customers. Kindly provide full info of the company that will appear as shipper in the BL, along with your booking request. Further information of the process is available in our website here.

For U.S inland shipments only - Truck Power Shortage in North America:
Carrier Haulage deliveries have been delayed due to the considerable shortage of truckers throughout the USA and Canada. We are working to improve service to our customers as well as to minimize the impact of any storage/demurrage. However, under the circumstances presented, which are beyond our control, significant delays should be expected. As per our tariff, storage
charges incurred at US &/or Canada inland rail depots are for the account of the cargo and have to be settled prior to release of cargo. In case the carrier under the actual circumstances cannot conclude the inland portion due US/CAN truck shortage or any other situation beyond our control, the final responsibility would be for account of the cargo.

Weight restrictions: Each country have own weight restriction on roads, therefore please check that cargo weight does not exceed the limit. Overweight can generate extra costs or fines that will be on cargo account.

Remarks for Egypt

Egyptian local charges can only be collected in Egypt, therefore prepayment or collection abroad are not allowed.

Remarks for Equatorial Guinea

Freight collect is not accepted. Freight and origin local charges to be on prepaid.

Remarks for Fiji

Please be informed that grains/waste/scrap are commodities excluded from our Quick Quote Freight All Kind definition for exports from Fiji. Please approach our local Sales representatives for a quotation via email for these commodities.

Remarks for France

Routings from/to French locations via inland waterway / barge on the Rhine river may be subject to the Low Water Surcharge depending on the Rhine water levels at time of passing, in which case an additional invoice will be issued. Kaub levels apply for France (all terminals south of Koblenz) as published on the ELWIS website. Our rates are published on our France Local Charges page.

Remarks for Gabon

Freight collect is not accepted. Freight and origin local charges to be on prepaid.

Remarks for Gambia

Freight collect is not accepted. Freight and origin local charges to be on prepaid.

Remarks for Ghana

Freight collect is not accepted. Freight and origin local charges to be on prepaid.

Remarks for Guatemala

BL fee surcharge is always subject to local IVA.

Remarks for Guinea

  • Freight collect is not allowed. All freight-related charges such as IFD (Inspection Fees at Destination) are to be PREPAID at origin office. Inspection fees at destination includes certificate fees. This charge is payable with the sea freight. 
  • Telex release is allowed. Sea waybills are not allowed. Printing the bill of lading at POD Conakry is not allowed. 
  • Consignee NIF is mandatory (NIF = VAT number). Foreign-based consignees and notifications are not allowed. 
  • “BLs – “TO ORDER” and “TO ORDER OF” and “TO ORDER OF BANK” are NOT ALLOWED, while “TO ORDER OF BANK NAME” with BANK NAME clearly mentioned is ALLOWED”. 
  • Weight restrictions as per container max. payload. 
  • SOC containers with valid plate only and aluminum containers not allowed. 
  • For low-value cargoes such as personal and second-hand items generally from the USA, Canada, and Europe with a high risk of being unclaimed and abandoned by merchant, a UAC waiver document is to be released to the shipper (UAC = unclaimed and abandoned container). 
  • Toxic waste, scrap electronics, scrap engines / engine parts, used batteries, used tires, charcoal, fireworks, products containing asbestos, poisonous and narcotic substances, machines capable of manufacturing counterfeit currencies, shipments of currency, coins, medals (of any kind), live animals, nonrefrigerated raw vegetables, fruits, dry fish / meat(s), animal remains of any kind, live plants and soil fertilizers, pornographic material, energy drinks with the name “pussy”, weapons, firearms, ammunition, bullets, cartridges, and powders and/or any kind of police / military cargo, right-hand-drive vehicles are NOT ALLOWED to be imported to Guinea. 
  • For “in transit” dry cargo to Mali / country name via merchant haulage, BL is to display “cargo in transit to Mali / country name”. 
  • Importing commodity pharmaceuticals is not allowed. However, please contact Guinea Country Manager for confirmation prior to proceeding with booking/documentation. 
  • For “in transit” reefer cargo to Mali – destination agent MD approval is required. 
  • Cargo destined to government entities, NGOs, charity organizations, religious entities, and REEFER cargo will require destination agent MD approval. POL office will be responsible for all associated expenses in case of long-standing containers and/or losses for the principal. 

    Effective July 1, 2023, all scrap metals such as iron, steel, and aluminum, as well as plastics, metal pipes, and any scrap material destined for India will incur an equipment maintenance fee (EMF) of INR 4,250 per 20’ and INR 8,500 per 40’. Please refer to the Hapag Lloyd website for details on local charges. 

Remarks for Guyana

Payment terms: All import shipments must be designated as "prepaid" and all export shipments as "collect."

Remarks for Iceland

Payment Terms: Collect charges to a company on Iceland is not possible. We do not issue invoices to companies on Iceland at all. Invoices can however be collectable from other countries in Europé. All local charges on Iceland are collected by our connecting carrier EIMSKIP in Iceland directly to the customer on Iceland. This cannot be prepaid, consequently offer Free out Iceland only. This is also referring to local demurrage, storage and detention charges on Iceland.

Remarks for India

All charges must be prepaid for commodities like Used Machineries and Personal Effects. For commodities like Wastepaper, Metal Scrap and Rags, Destination Land Freight (DLF) can be collected for India. For cargo destined for Nepal (Kathmandu & Birgang/Biratnagar) - all charges should be prepaid only.

Receiving, handling, delivery (RHD) can only be collected at destination.
Imports: solid plastic scrap is prohibited

Customers who want to arrange its shipment on Shipper PDA terms, need to select received at ‘terminal/ramp‘. The quotation will then show the applicable ‘Handling fee on Origin Land Freight‘ (HOL) that covers incidental expenses of handling, loading and transport. The rail charges need to be paid directly to the rail operator
Customers who want to arrange its shipment on Liner PDA terms, ‘received at door‘ needs to be selected. The so called ‘Origin Land Freight fee‘ (OLF) will display under export surcharges directly in the quotation
Start location should always be the Indian Inland Container Depot pick-up location (for handover in port or ICD)

Effective 1st Sep 2023, All Metals Scrap such as Iron/Steel, Aluminium, Plastic, Metal pipes & Any Scrap material to India will attract Equipment maintenance fee (EMF) of INR 4650/20’ and INR 8500/40’. Please refer to Hapag Lloyd Website for local charges details.

Remarks for Indonesia

Sea freight & associated charges, all origin local charges must be prepaid for Reefer, Personal Effects/Household Goods imports.
Following Indonesia ports must be in Prepaid basis for all import shipments, including all destination local charges. Exceptional applied upon getting POD approval:.Balikpapan, Batam Pulau (Batam Island), Buatan, Dumai, Kualatungkal, Padang, Pekanbaru, Perawang, Samarinda, Tebing Tinggi, Banjarmasin
THC (Import and Export) must be set up as Non Chargeable in the contract for following ports. It is paid directly by Customer to the Port Authority.-Balikpapan, Makassar, Tebing Tinggi, Perawang, Pekanbaru:
All freights (Sea freight & associated charges, all origin local charges, all destination local charges etc.) must be prepaid for import shipments to outports and door delivery: Bacolod, Lli-ilo, Angeles, Clark, Lligan.

Remarks for Iraq

Iraq terminal handling charges at Destination (THD) and Receiving, Handling, Delivery (RHD) need to be paid on prepaid basis.
Receiving, Handling, Delivery charges are always to be prepaid at origin.

Remarks for Israel

The congestion surcharges CGO/CGD) must always follow the SEA payment term definition.

If the SEA is prepaid, congestion surcharge will be prepaid too.

If the SEA is collect, congestion surcharge will be collect too.

Remarks for Italy

Bookings for Personal effects from and to Italy cannot be in Carrier haulage. All charges must be prepaid and the receiver has to be a forwarder or agent.


Remarks for Ivory Coast

Freight collect is not accepted, same goes for origin local charges and Terminal Handling Charge (THD) in Ivory coast, all must be paid prepaid.

Remarks for Japan

All charges must be prepaid for Reefer imports, Personal effects & household goods imports.
Destination Landfreight (DLF) must follow SEA freight terms.

Remarks for Jordan

Tax ID: Mandatory for shipper and mandatory for consignee
Payment terms: Freight collect is only possible if prior approval has been obtained from the destination office. B/L should reflect accurate info regarding freight payment (Pre-paid/Collect)

Remarks for Kenya

Freight collect is not acceptable.
THD and TSD are acceptable on a Collect basis, except in cases of a TBL shipment to Hinterland Countries where this is mandatory to be Prepaid.
DLF must be prepaid for all shipments destined to Kenya.
LFD and PDO must be billed on a collect basis.
EMF must be billed on a collect basis - applicable for all MH shipments moving from Kenya to Uganda.

Remarks for Liberia

  • Freight collect is not allowed. All freight-related charges to be PREPAID at origin office.  
  • Sea waybills are not allowed. Printing the bill of lading at POD Monrovia is not allowed. 
  • “BLs – “TO ORDER” and “TO ORDER OF” and “TO ORDER OF BANK” are NOT ALLOWED, while “TO ORDER OF BANK NAME” with BANK NAME clearly mentioned is ALLOWED”. 
  • Consignee NIF is mandatory (NIF = VAT number). Foreign-based consignees and notifications not allowed. 
  • Electronic Cargo Tracking Note (ECTN) certificate is mandatory for all import shipments to Liberia and must be reflected on the bill of lading. Failure to have a CTN shared with the consignees will result in fines at the destination that will be passed onto the customer at the origin for payment.
    Note: Electronic Cargo Tracking Note (ECTN) – Cargo Tracking Note certificate contains detailed information on cargo and its movement between ports. It also grants Marine Custom Authorities access to information about the exporter/importer, shipping route and methods, type and value of the cargo, the value of the freight, as well as details about the commodities being carried. 
  • Weight restrictions as per container max. payload. 
  • SOC containers with valid plate only and aluminum containers not allowed. 
  • For low-value cargoes such as personal and second-hand items generally from the USA, Canada, and Europe with a high risk of being unclaimed and abandoned by merchant, a UAC waiver document is to be released to the shipper (UAC = unclaimed and abandoned container). 
  • Toxic waste, scrap electronics, scrap engine / engines parts, used batteries, used tires, charcoal, fireworks, products containing asbestos, poisonous and narcotic substances, machines capable of manufacturing counterfeit currencies, shipments of currency, coins, medals (of any kind), live animals, nonrefrigerated raw vegetables, fruits, dry fish / meat(s), animal remains of any kind, live plants and soil fertilizers, pornographic material, energy drinks with the name “pussy”, weapons, firearms, ammunition, bullets, cartridges, and powders and/or any kind of police / military cargo, right-hand-drive vehicles are NOT ALLOWED to be imported to Guinea. 
  • For “in transit” dry cargo to Mali / country name via merchant haulage, BL is to display “cargo in transit to Mali / country name”. 
  • Importing commodity pharmaceuticals is not allowed. However, please contact Guinea Country Manager for confirmation prior to proceeding with booking/documentation. 
  • For “in transit” reefer cargo to Mali – destination agent MD approval is required. 
  • Cargo destined to government entities, NGOs, charity organizations, religious entities, and REEFER cargo will require destination agent MD approval. POL office will be responsible for all associated expenses in case of long-standing containers and/or losses for the principal. 

Remarks for Libya

No collect amounts are accepted – Freight on collect basis is not accepted. 
Freight Collect accepted only under special circumstances.

Please refer to Payment Terms found in Libya: Country information and Requirments.

The Port Contribution Surcharge at destination is payable along with the sea

Same is also applicable for the Congestion Surcharge, War Risk Surcharge and
Equipment Transfer Destination.

If SEA is prepaid, ETD / PCD / CGO / CGD / WRS will be prepaid too.

Please note that the following cargo commodity restrictions for import to Libya:

  • Cigarettes / Manufactured tobacco: Accepted, but the B/L must clearly indicate cigarettes or manufactured tobacco. Full Consignee and shipment details must be submitted prior to acceptance of booking. If and once approved, a LOI (Letter of Indemnity) must be signed.
  • Weapons (military and non-military): Prohibited
  • Alcohol: Prohibited
  • Pharmaceuticals: Restricted, please contact your sales office.
  • Cars: Restricted, please contact your sales office.

Remarks for Mali

All charges to be prepaid for bill of lading shipments, including DLF and destination local charges.

Remarks for Malta

The port Contribution Surcharge at destination is payable along with the seafreight
Prepaid Frt = Prepaid PCD
Collect Frt = Collect PCD


Remarks for Mauritania

Freight collect is not accepted. Freight and origin local charges to be on prepaid.

Remarks for Mexico

Please note: Our inland rates are subject to a change at any moment.

In Mexico our inland service is always carried out on tandem bases, that is using a double trailer truck (One truck, two chassis/platforms), therefore it is important to adjust your load based on the weight restrictions allowed by local regulations in Mexico. For more information please review the following link: https://www.hapag-lloyd.com/en/services-information/offices-localinfo/latin-america/mexico.html#tab=ti-local-documents-mexico

According to Federal Regulations applicable in within the Mexican Republic for the following modes of transport (truck or rail) please note the maximum weight allowed per container (including cargo, packaging or lashing material) as follows:


1. Truck Mexican Territory except Ensenada
Full / Tandem: Container 20’, 40’ y RF’s: 23 tons (cargo)
Single (*): Container 20’ / 40’s: 26 tons (cargo) Container RF: 23 tons (cargo)

2. Truck Area Ensenada
Full / Tandem: Container 20’, 40’ y RF’s: 21 tons (cargo)
Single (*): Container 20’, 40’ y RF’s: 23 tons (cargo)

(*) Single movements are subject to:
- Availability of trucks (a truck and a platform or chassis)
- For single movements an additional cost of 60% will apply on the full land rate.


1. Rail to Ramp
Container 20’: 23 tons (cargo)
Container 40’: 26 tons (cargo)
2. Local Delivery
Container 20’: 26 tons (cargo)
Container 40’: 26 tons (cargo)

Containers that exceed the overweight policy indicated on point B will be subject to an additional 25% on land freight (Without exceeding the payload)

C) COMBINED RAIL + TRUCK MODE (for local delivey)

Container 20’ : 23 tons (cargo)
Container 40’ : 26 tons (cargo)

The weight mentioned above can be considered as local delivery from the train ramp to door as long as the location is within the metropolitan area and the distance doesn’t exceed 30 Km from the train ramp, otherwise the same criteria as the clause A must be considered.

Remarks for Mozambique

Freight collect is not accepted. Freight and origin local charges to be on prepaid.

Remarks for Myanmar

All charges must be prepaid (including destination local charges) for all import shipments to Myanmar.

Remarks for New Zealand

Please be informed that grains/waste/scrap are commodities excluded from our Quick Quote Freight All Kind definition for exports from New Zealand. Please approach our local Sales representatives for a quotation via email for these commodities.

Remarks for Nigeria

PSS charges are always to be prepaid.

Freight collect is not accepted. Freight and origin local charges to be on prepaid. 

  1. On-carriage service in Nigeria will require CNEE/Notify party to process customs clearance at 1st port of discharge before HL can process haulage to final destination port or door.
  2. Through BL to PORT shipments is exempted from customs clearance at 1st discharge port. HL will process cargo from 1st discharge port to new destination port and customer will process customs clearance at final destination port.


Remarks for Papua New Guinea

Please be informed that grains/waste/scrap are commodities excluded from our Quick Quote Freight All Kind definition for exports from Fiji. Please approach our local Sales representatives for a quotation via email for these commodities.

Remarks for Paraguay

Containers with personal effects / household and vehicles to Paraguay are not accepted. Exception: Shipments with SOC containers (Shipper Own Containers) or diplomatic shipments.

Remarks for Peru

Additional expenses and services fees related to delivery of cargo and equipment occurring in Peru are applicable. Detailed information about these standard local charges, which are part of the contract of carriage can be found in https://www.hapag-lloyd.com/perulocalrates. Merchants acknowledge and accept that these local charges are to be paid in Peru.

Remarks for Portugal

Bookings for personal effects from and to Portugal cannot be in Carrier haulage. All charges must be prepaid, and the receiver has to be a forwarder or agent.

Azore Islands/Madeira Island: Collect revenues are not accepted for cargo destined to Azores Islands or Madeira Island.

Remarks for Qatar

Freight collect is only possible if prior approval has been obtained from the destination office. Please contact your local Hapag-Lloyd office to obtain the same prior to loading.

Remarks for São Tomé And Príncipe

Freight collect is not accepted. Freight and origin local charges to be on prepaid.

Remarks for Saudi Arabia

Please note that Destination Documentation Fee (DDF), Preparing Delivery Order (PDO), and Receiving, Handling, Delivery (RHD) are local charges and payment term must be always 'Collect'.
Destination Landfreight (DLF) and Handling Fee on DLF (HDL) must be ‘Prepaid’ for all shipments destined to Saudi Arabia.

Remarks for Senegal

Freight collect is not accepted. Freight and origin local charges to be on prepaid.

Remarks for Sierra Leone

  • Freight collect is not allowed. All freight-related charges to be PREPAID at origin office.  
  • Printing the bill of lading at POD Freetown is allowed with additional cost. 
  • Consignee NIF is mandatory (NIF = VAT number). Foreign-based consignees not allowed. 
  • A Cargo Tracking Note (CTN) certificate is mandatory for all import shipments to Sierra Leone and must be reflected on the bill of lading. Failure to have a CTN shared with the consignees will result in fines at the destination that will be passed onto the customer at the origin for payment.
    Note: Cargo Tracking Note (CTN) – Cargo Tracking Note certificate contains detailed information on cargo and its movement between ports. It also grants Marine Custom Authorities access to information about the exporter/importer, shipping route and methods, type and value of the cargo, the value of the freight, as well as details about the commodities being carried. 
  • For BLs TO ORDER, a manifest correction will be needed as customs will require the actual receiver to be in the consignee box before any release/customs clearance can begin. The manifest correction will incur an additional fee, as per tariff. 
  • Weight restrictions as per container max. payload. 
  • SOC Containers with valid plate only and aluminum containers not allowed. 
  • For low-value cargoes such as personal and second-hand items generally from the USA, Canada, and Europe with a high risk of being unclaimed and abandoned by merchant, a UAC waiver document is to be released to the shipper (UAC = unclaimed and abandoned container). 
  • Toxic waste, scrap electronics, scrap engine / engines parts, used batteries, charcoal, fireworks, products containing asbestos, poisonous and narcotic substances, machines capable of manufacturing counterfeit currencies, shipments of currency, coins, medals (of any kind), live animals, nonrefrigerated raw vegetables, fruits, dry fish / meat(s), animal remains of any kind, live plants and soil fertilizers, pornographic material, energy drinks with the name “pussy”, weapons, firearms, ammunition, bullets, cartridges, and powders and/or any kind of police / military cargo, right-hand-drive vehicles are NOT ALLOWED to be imported to Sierra Leone. 
  • For “in transit” dry cargo to any country via merchant haulage, BL is to display “cargo in transit to country name”. 
  • For “in transit” reefer cargo to nearby country, destination agent MD approval is required. 
  • Cargo destined to government entities, NGOs, charity organizations, religious entities, and REEFER cargo will require destination agent MD approval. POL office will be responsible for all associated expenses in case of long-standing containers and/or losses for the principal. 

Remarks for South Africa

Congestion Surcharge at Destination (CGD) to follow the SEA Freight must be prepaid.

Remarks for South Korea

Payment terms: Sea freight & associated charges, origin local charges must be pre-paid for reefer imports unless pre-approved by local office. For return cargo to Korea, all charges must be prepaid unless pre-approved by local office. For all import shipments, RLB, ADD and DLF must follow sea freight terms.

Remarks for Spain

Bookings for personal effects from and to Spain cannot be in Carrier haulage. All charges must be prepaid, and the receiver has to be a forwarder or agent.

Remarks for Sudan

All collections for export booking from Sudan should be done on a collect basis, when for import booking to Sudan it will be done on a prepaid basis (exception: MHD/MHO can be collected in Sudan). Elsewhere payments are allowed for both import and export.


Remarks for Syria

We would like to inform you that as precondition to loading your container we request you to sign a Letter of Indemnity (LOI) and to provide any documents for validation upon request (for example end-use certificate) and to answer potential additional questions correctly. Any such documentation must be provided latest 24 hours prior to the FCL delivery cut-off.

In case of non-compliance with any of above obligations or any applicable regulation we furthermore have the right to charge you with all costs and expenses related hereto and/or to cancel your booking at your costs.

Hapag-Lloyd AG shall not be responsible for any costs / delays occurring due to intervention of customs. This includes - but is not limited to – any customs fines and charges as well as related (port) storage costs, inspection charges, etc. arising from potential customs inspection or stop. Please note that also customs in transhipment ports have the right to execute stops or investigations. The same liability for costs also applies to your consignee. The responsibility to inform the consignee lies with the shipper accordingly. Any acceptance of cargo by Hapag-Lloyd is limited to Hapag-Lloyd only and does not include any acceptance or permit from any local customs or other authorities.

ETD (Equipment Transfer Charge at destination) must follow the seafreight payment terms.

Remarks for Taiwan

1. Sea freight & associated charges, Origin local charges must be prepaid for Reefer imports.
2. DLF must follow SEA freight terms unless specified in Shipping Instruction or RA for all imports.
3. CSF & TSO & TSD are not allowed to be collected in Taiwan for both export & import shipment, and have to be settled at overseas.
4. Payers in Taiwan must have Tax ID.

Remarks for Thailand

All charges must be prepaid for Reefer imports, Personal effects & household goods imports.
Destination Landfreight (DLF) Congestion Surcharge Destination (CGD), Transport Additional Destination (TAD) must follow SEA freight terms.
Laem Chabang has restriction for the commodity ‘animal organ’

Remarks for Tunisia

The Congestion Surcharges (CGO/CGD), the Equipment Maintenance Fee (EMF), the Equipment Transfer Charge at Destination (ETD), the Port Collection Surcharge(PCD) must always follow the SEA payment term definition.
If the Seafreight is prepaid, above charges will be prepaid too.
If the Seafreight is collect, above charges will be collect too.

Remarks for Turkiye

Export local charges XOP is subject to 20% VAT and must be prepaid.

Legal weight according to Turkish Road Regulations:

20' DC 26000
20' RF 25500
20' PC 25500
40' DC 24000
40' HC 24000
40' RF 23500
40' PC 23500

If you have any heavy cargo request for pre and on carriage ; please contact with your sales representative . Kindly note that driver + truck + container weights can be maximum 42.000kgs according to Turkish Road Regulations permission. Hapag-Lloyd A.G. will not be liable for any damage caused to the cargo due to land transportation exceeding the limit.

Please check Turkish Road Regulation; Karayolları Trafik Yönetmeliği 128 (kgm.gov.tr)

Note: Waiting free time – 6 hrs in Turkiye, Please contact the sales representative after 6 hrs for our tariff.

Remarks for Ukraine

Local charges and inland service are subject to VAT 20%.

Remarks for United Arab Emirates

For Reefers pls note below comments..
- Port Plug In Charges are as per port tariff.
- We don't arrange any Pre-Cooling prior to release the containers.
- Max 24 working Hrs are required to arrange PTI with DPA Reefer Yard.
- Port Plug In Charges will be calculated from day 1, till the units on board.
- Shifting Charges will be – AED 175/20’REF & AED 225/40’REF.

Remarks for US territories

Prior to loading your shipment a FMC (Federal Maritime Commission) rate filing is mandatory. For that reason the booking information has to include besides the commodity description the respective HS code. Furthermore all containers have to be sealed with a high security seal.

It is the responsibility of the NVOCC contract party to ensure that all bookings placed to USA and/or under the FMC regulated scope meet the requirements of the FMC. This includes maintaining a public tariff and holding a valid bond. For U.S-based entity, a license is also required. Refer to this link for further information.

For licensed, prohibited and not allowed items into the US please consult directly with a Licensed Customs House Broker who can identify these items and applicable rules on a Federal and/or State agency level.

Please note that Personal Effects and No Titled Vehicles are banned for movement to or from USA via Canadian Port. Any shipment booked as such will be terminated at the applicable POD and/or returned to origin. In addition, Door Moves of Personal Effects at a customer’s personal residence are not permitted. Any additional charges incurred will be for the responsible merchant party.

Additional exemptions include, concentrated Metal products including but not limited to Steel Coils

Weight requirements apply to all shipments, including containers received or delivered from on-dock facilities.
The carrier will not handle any container improperly loaded or any container loaded in excess of its marked capacity.
The shipper will ensure that the lading and axle weight meet provincial, federal, state and municipal highway safety and weight limitations.

Inland weight limitation is expressed in metric tons and comma separator is in german format. (comma equals point)

OCEMA Recommended Maximum Gross Allowable Cargo Weights in International Intermodal Containers for Transport on the USA Highway System. Any shipment above OCEMA weight guidelines may be refused on rail/road when arriving at US/Canadian ports, or incur extra costs that are not mentioned on our quotes.

Find further information at: http://www.ocema.org/cwg.htm

Inland rates are subject to fluctuate as per tariff and may do so up until the day of interchange. Please check the current inland levelshere: https://www.hapag-lloyd.com/en/online-business/tariffs/inland-tariff.html

In line with our tariff, if a location in North America has a lack of available truck power, delays may occur and any additional associated costs for such problems and delays will need to be borne by the cargo interests, like storage, demurrage and possible pre pull costs. Please also note that TRI-AXLE equipment chassis are extremely short and its availability is limited. Any additional charges due to missing availability of such equipment and also for missing truck power will be for account of the cargo.

Please remember that there are several commodities which are either banned or restricted by North American Railroads, including but not limited to: used machinery, scrap metal, vehicles, concentrated/heavy metal products, flexitanks, tobacco, hides, personal effects, medical equipment, used tires etc. Please feel free to contact us if any doubt.

Under Genset Provision Policy (USA) Hapag Lloyd has stop providing gensets for merchant haulage shipment which end at a port facility in the USA.  Should a genset be requested for shipments between port terminals and local delivery points under Merchant Haulage it must be done at time of booking. An additional fee per genset will be applied, as per local charges defined in RURE-001 036.5.

For destinations located within US Territories the quotation is subject to strict FMC (Federal Maritime Commission) regulations. Please ensure that the container is delivered full at terminal, within the validity period of the contract used for the shipment. When your shipment consists of multiple containers, make sure that the last container you intend to deliver is delivered gate in full within the validity period of the contract.

For allowable cargo weights and overweight charges for inland haulage within USA, please follow link below.

Gross Cargo Weight Limit
US Inland Overweight Guide: https://www.hapag-lloyd.com/en/online-business/quotation/tariffs/local-charges-service-fees.html#anchor_otf98316

Any additional inland cost incurred due to overweight cargo, will be for the account of the shipper. See links below for respective Overweight Fees

North American Service Fees - USA Overweight Tariff: https://www.hapag-lloyd.com/en/online-business/quotation/tariffs/local-charges-service-fees.html#anchor_otf98316

These weight requirements apply to all shipments, including containers received or delivered from on-dock facilities. The carrier will not handle inland carriage on any container improperly loaded or any container loaded in excess of its marked capacity. The shipper will ensure that the lading and axle weight meet provincial, federal, state, and municipal highway safety and weight limitations. Tare weights may vary which will affect the maximum weight.



Remarks for Venezuela

All destination surcharges to Venezuela must be on prepaid basis, among them: Congestion surcharge destination, Repositioning Destination and THC.
The only surcharge collected in destination is the Administration Fee, invoiced in local currency (Bolivares).

For all cargo from/to Venezuela, payment terms and currency might be changed depending on customer details. For more information please check:



Remarks for Vietnam

Please be informed that commodities for Wastepaper/Forest Products/Scrap are restricted or require special License for Import to all Vietnam ports, including Ho Chi Minh, Cai Mep Vung Tau, Haiphong, Danang and Quihnon via Vietnam Environment Ministry & Deposit from Bank.

For all import shipments to Vietnam, Destination Landfreight (DLF)/ Equipment Transfer Charge Destination(ETD)/ Arbitrary Charge Destination (ACD)/ Terminal Security Charge Destination (TSD)/ Administration Destination Fee (ADD) must follow as per SEA freight term while other destination charges with currency VND can be set as collect.

For all imports into Vietnam, shipments will be subjected equipment maintenance fee (EMF) according to commodity submitted at time of booking. Refer to our Tariff page for the applicable fees.

For exports from Vietnam, commodities which require special handling including, but not limited to, steel coil, lithium batteries, activated carbon, will be subjected to additional administration fee (ADO). Refer to our Tariff page for the applicable fees or contact our local Sales representative who will guide you.

For full details please approach our Vietnam office @ [email protected]

Following the outbreak of mad cow disease in several European countries, it is prohibited to import beef blood powder from Europe into Vietnam.

HS Code: 230110, Commodity: Beef Blood Powder, Meat And Bone Meal, Poultry Meal Hydrolyzed Feather, Porcine Meat And Bone Meal, Poultry Meal, Process Protein, Porcine Blood Meal, Bovine Meat And Bone Meal, Bovine Meat And Bone.


Remarks for Yemen

All surcharges including ARC, WRS, CSF, CGD, MFR that are applicable to shipments to Yemen must be paid by Shippers as Prepaid.
Any requests for freight collect will require destination approval.

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