Como primera naviera a nivel mundial, Hapag-Lloyd le ofrece un producto digital para comprar fácilmente tiempo libre de detención de importaciones en línea. Con Additional Freetime, ahora puede comprar tiempo de detención de contenedores de importación para un embarque con un descuento adicional a las tarifas de tiempo libre o a sus acuerdos contractuales actuales.
Additional Freetime está disponible para nuestros clientes en todos los países en los que opera Hapag-Lloyd. Puede comprar hasta 10 días adicionales a través de este servicio.
Encuentre las tarifas de Additional Freetime a continuación.
Puedo comprar Additional Freetime con solo unos clicks
Sanjay Berry , Director General de Reliance Freight Systems LLC, UAE“Additional Freetime es una herramienta eficaz y ha mejorado nuestro tiempo de respuesta para una confirmación de tiempo libre junto con la entrega de una cotización al cliente".
Lea la entrevista completa aquí.
Aquí encontrará un resumen de las tarifas aplicables a los días adicionales de tiempo libre. Todas las condiciones indicadas en el documento PDF son válidas a menos que se indique lo contrario.
Quick Quotes Spot rates have a shorter validity – use Spot when you are ready to book and need to guarantee fulfillment, even if it comes at a premium price. You will also get an instant booking confirmation, so you can get on with your day.
Our standard Quick Quotes rates give you extra time to review quotes with customers before deciding to book and you can use it multiple times within the validity period. For added reassurance, they can be purchased with an additional Shipping Guarantee.
Actualmente Additional Freetime solo se ofrece para los contenedores de 20 y 40 pies estándar, high cube y contenedores de embarque especiales. Con mercancías peligrosas y tanto para carga sin sobredimensión como sobredimensionada.
Los contenedores refrigerados (operados o no operados) están excluidos de la compra de Additional Freetime.
You can purchase Additional Freetime in the following time frame:
Destination detention: the purchase of free time is available from the time a booking is placed until the vessel arrives at the port of discharge.
Additional Freetime will be offered at a discounted price according to the local free time tariff and will be charged in local currency. The exact amount per container per day will be visible to you right before you purchase Additional Freetime. For further information, please contact your local sales representative
Yes, for the very beginning, only detention destination will be offered and up to maximum 10 additional days. No purchase of demurrage and storage are currently possible.
Additional Freetime will be confirmed by an automated confirmation email, which will be triggered to the purchasing user at the time of purchase.
You can buy Additional Freetime in three ways:
A: Log in to the Hapag-Lloyd Online Business and place your booking via our Booking. Additional Freetime will be available after you have completed your booking.
B: Enter your login credentials and log in to Hapag-Lloyd’s Additional Freetime product and enter your shipment number.
C: Enter your login credentials and log in to the Hapag-Lloyd Navigator. Additional Freetime will be available for your shipment in the section Additional Products.
Yes, the product Additional Freetime will be added on top of the tariff or individual customer free-time agreements. You can purchase up to 10 days.
No, the package must be paid in full and is not refundable if unused. The package cannot be canceled or amended.
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