With this page you can display tracing information for a desired container.
The result table contains container information, container movement and status information.
The data shown refers to your last booking the container was related to. Data shown in bold letters characterizes actual data. All other data represents planned movements.

If you do not have all authorizations for the services above you can request them via My Account. More information on how to request your authorizations you find within this user guide in the section My Account.

Screen area: Search

Enter the container number into the entry field you like to see tracing information for. The program than will display the respective Booking number and the respective Bill of Lading number in the same row.

Screen area: List of Tracing information


Within the result section you find general information about your container and information about the last movement of the container. Within the table you can find the complete routing of the container. Note, that the bold data represent actual data, all other indicate planned movements.

Column: Status

Shows you the tracing status of the container.

Column: Place of Activity

Shows you the place of the tracing activity.

Column: Transport

Shows you the transport mode of the displayed tracing state. Here a mean of transport like truck or rail can be listed as well as the name of the main line vessel.

Column: Voyage No.

For rows containing the main line voyage you can find the voyage number here.

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