The Ocean Tariff Rate List provides you - according to your search criteria - a list of public ocean tariff rates offered by Hapag-Lloyd.
If your result list contains only one Ocean Tariff rate, you will be lead directly to its detailed information on the site Ocean Tariff Rate details, where you find a detailed overview of the tariff rate.
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If you do not have all authorizations for the services above you can request them via My Account. More information on how to request your authorizations you find within this user guide in the section My Account.
You can search for Ocean tariff rates by entering several combinations of search criteria. You can either search by:
All other search criterias are optional.
This field is filled in by default with the current date. It is a mandatory entry. You can enter your desired date here or select it from the date selection icon besides the entry field.
You can either enter the location of the port directly or choose it from the Location list. This one you can reach via the icon to the right of the entry field.
Those fields serve as additional search criteria in connection with the ports.
Select your desired country from the drop down list.
Mandatory entry. You can either enter the charge type directly or choose it from the Charge type list. This one you can reach via the icon to the right of the entry field.
Select your desired container type from the drop down list.
You can either enter the tariff directly or choose it from the Ocean tariff list. This one you can reach via the icon to the right of the entry field.
This is an additional search criterion. You can either enter the commodity directly or choose it from the Harmonized System code list. This one you can reach via the icon to the right of the entry field.
If your result list contains only one Ocean Tariff rate, you will be lead directly to its detailed information on the site ‘Ocean Tariff Rate details’ where you can find a detailed overview of the tariff rate.
If your result list contains more than one Ocean Tariff rate you will find them in a list according to your search criteria. The list contains:
The detailed information for each rate you can view by selecting your desired rate and clicking at the button ‘Tariff Rate Details’. You will be routed to the Ocean Tariff Rate Details screen.