With the Vessel Tracing service we provide you the current schedule for a selected vessel, including both mainline vessels and feeder vessels.

At the result list you find information about all ports of call, arrival and departure dates, and the complete transit time. You can view also more specific details concerning the vessel and the terminals.

Screen area: 按船名查询

Here you can decide for which vessel you would like to display its current schedule.
You can either choose the vessels from a list of all Mainline vessels or from a list of all Feeder vessels.

Screen area: 基本信息

Here you find a summary of the current schedule of the vessel.

Button: Vessel Details

You can view more details of the vessel by using this button.

Column: Service

You can directly get to the Service via the link in this column.

Screen area: 详细信息


Here you can find the detailed information of the schedule of the selected vessel.

Button: Details

To view more details of the terminal(s) of a port of call mark the respective row and click this button.

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