User Guide: 通过传真/电子邮件查询

The Fax/Mail Request service allows you to request a copy of schedule information per fax or e-mail.
Choose ports from the loading region and ports from the discharge region or request information about a specific service. We will then send you those information by fax or e-mail according to your defined modality.

Screen area: 查询

Button: Define Service Report

Click this button to obtain a one-time fax or e-mail for a specific service schedule.

Selection field: Region of Loading / Region of Discharge

Use the drop-down list to pre-select the regions whre a schedule is desired.

Checkbox: Port Selection

Use the check boxes to specify seelcted ports of those regions.

Screen area: 按航线查询

Selection field: Service

If you decided to request fax or e-mail information for a specific Service you can now choose the desired Service from the drop down list.

Selection field: Direction

Select also the direction you desire.

Checkbox: Port Selection

If you mark this checkbox you can define the ports you want to get the schedule for. If you do not mark it, you will get the schedule information for all ports of the selected service.

Screen area: 按港口查询

At this tab please select the port(s) of loading and port(s) of discharge for which you desire schedule information.

Screen area: 传真 / 电子邮件方式

Here you can define the modality of your schedule information.

Entry field: Days Prior

Fill in the number of days you want to get the schedule information for before todays date.

Entry field: Days in Advance

Fill in the number of days you want to get the schedule information into the future.

Checkboxes: Cut Off/ Pick Up/ Doc Close

Decide wether your schedule shall contain the Cut off date, pick up date and document closure date.

Checkboxes: Direct ports only

Decide whether your schedule shall contain all ports or only direct port calls.

Checkboxes: Send via

Decide here if you want to get the schedule information per e-mail or per fax.

Selection field: Format

Select the format of the sent data if you have decided for the e-mail option.

Button: Request schedule report

When clicking this button you will get your schedule information within a few minutes.

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